Return Policy


We want you to love your shopping experience at the BYB Store.

If the item(s) you purchased is/are defective, you will be issued a full refund or replacement. BYB Store is responsible for the return shipping cost if the item is defective.

If the item you purchased from the BYB Store does not meet your expectations (not defective), you may return the item with the packing slip within 30 days of purchase. Please do not remove the shrink warp and you will be issued a full refund. Refunds will be returned in the method of which you paid. Customers are responsible for the return shipping if the returned item is not defective.

Should you have any questions regarding our return policy, please reach out to our Customer Care by email or call (818)269-8854.  BYB Store reserves the right to deny any return should the conditions of the item does not meet the Return Policy or if item is used outside of the manufacturer’s purpose or specifications.

BYB item(s) purchased at a retail store or from another seller, those returns or exchanges must go through the retailer you purchased the item(s) from.